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Building a Strong HR Foundation: A Must-Watch Interview

We believe in empowering small businesses with the knowledge and tools to simplify human resources. We’re here to un-complicate the complicated and help small business owners improve their business performance and bottom lines. Recently, the RVA Small Business Show invited our partner at Inspiring HR, Mindy Flanigan, to share her insight and expertise on why a […]

The Professional Employer Organization (PEO) for Franchises®, INFINITI HR, Sponsors the 2024 IFA Annual Convention in Phoenix

PHOENIX, AZ – INFINITI HR, the Professional Employer Organization for Franchises® welcomes the franchising world to Phoenix, Arizona, February 17th – 20th 2024 as part of the largest convention for franchising in the world, The IFA Annual Convention. Phoenix is home to the INFINITI HR National Alliance Sales Division, the first PEO innovation team created to […]

Empowering Your Team: Four Steps to Upskilling and Reskilling for Small Businesses

Take advantage of the start of a new year to reflect on your business goals. This is a great time to focus inward on the people behind your business. As hiring slows, companies are embracing the benefits of upskilling and using this as an opportunity to take advantage of their current workforce. Use the new […]

Remote Work Revisited: What Your Business Should Know in 2024

Since 2020 with the global pandemic forcing us to stay home, many office jobs turned remote. Fast forward to today when many of us are trying to predict the future of work. Will work-from-home (WFH) become the new permanent norm or will the push to return to the workplace prevail? How should small businesses approach […]

Beat the Winter Workplace Blues: Tips for Small Businesses

As the chill of winter sets in, many employees find themselves grappling with the February workplace blues. This season, small businesses can take steps to prioritize the mental health and happiness of their team members. The loneliness epidemic, sparked by the lingering challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic, highlights the need to be proactive. We’ve put […]

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We offer the most customizable HR solutions in the human resources industry. Choose from full service HR outsourcing models that include PEO and ASO arrangements to individual offerings around payroll, compliance, HR, risk management, and employee benefits procurement and administration.

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