
Our blog offers important resources, helpful articles, and practical ideas on the human resources topics that matter to you.

How To Prevent and Mitigate “Fires” at Work

Business leaders know that workplace conflict prevention within their organization is a top skill they must learn and maintain. Fortunately, the best business leaders understand that this is a major part of their job, and they strive hard to ensure that would-be “fires” within the organization aren’t allowed to continue to burn. The entire organization […]

Labor Laws for August 2024

INFINITI HR is happy to provide Monthly State Labor Law Updates as a service to our subscribers. These briefs provide a general description and are not meant to be all-inclusive of compliance requirements. This list is not inclusive of all legislative changes for employers across the U.S. Changes may have been addressed in previous updates, […]

Hiring Interns and Seasonal Employees: A Guide for Small Businesses

Seasonal work can be a critical component of many small businesses during a peak season when they need extra help or staff. For some businesses, offering temporary internships allows them to provide experience to college students or young adults while gaining extra help and fresh insights. But do you understand the important distinctions between hiring […]

Four Practical Tips for Incorporating AI in HR

It feels like Artificial Intelligence (AI) is EVERYWHERE we turn! So, yes, this is another blog about what it means for your small business. Why? Because AI is revolutionizing many aspects of business, and HR is no exception. Instead of avoiding it, let’s tackle it head-on so you can learn ways to maximize it for […]

Wading Into Changes in the Workplace – Without Worry!

The one constant we can count on is change—especially in business—as trends evolve, new technology emerges, or the need arises for internal restructuring. We must adapt to stay ahead! How can leaders stay nimble enough to lean into new opportunities while also effectively managing employees to embrace change? There are some tried-and-true strategies and techniques […]

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