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HR Resolutions for 2024: A Monthly Guide for Small Businesses

Feeling accomplished at the end of 2024 isn’t just about setting lofty goals; it’s about strategically planning how to reach those goals. As small business leaders or HR departments, you will need to lay out a roadmap that is both achievable and impactful. The secret to reaching your goals? Not only should they be S-M-A-R-T […]

December 2023 Legal Updates

INFINITI HR is happy to provide Monthly State Labor Law Updates as a service to our subscribers. These briefs provide a general description and are not meant to be all-inclusive of compliance requirements. This list is not inclusive of all legislative changes for employers across the U.S. Changes may have been addressed in previous updates, […]

How to Recruit and Hire Your Best-Fit Job Candidate in Today’s Market

One of the biggest HR challenges today is hiring and recruiting. We’ve had clients ask “Why are we having problems recruiting good people?” The short answer is that we’re living in a different time and dealing with different expectations so a new approach is necessary in order to attract and retain employees. In this article, […]

Navigating the Office Holiday Party: Lessons Learned from Past Mishaps

The annual office holiday party is a tradition many employees look forward to. Company holiday parties are a wonderful time to bond as a team, show your appreciation to employees, and enjoy the season together. But before you hang the tinsel and send out the invites, make sure your office party will be memorable for […]

10 Ways to Keep Staff Happy Without a Pay Raise

Studies show happy employees are 12 percent more productive than unhappy employees on average. As such, it is no wonder organizations are constantly looking for ways to keep their workforce happy and productive. While a pay raise can help to retain top talent, it is not enough to keep staff from seeking opportunities elsewhere. Hiring […]

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