
Our blog offers important resources, helpful articles, and practical ideas on the human resources topics that matter to you.

Ready to Hire HR Support? Traits to Consider Before Making a Choice

The definition of an effective human resource employee or representative has evolved over many years. HR management functions, once just an extension of payroll, had been viewed as having little value. As business owners took a hard look at cost of employment law liability and turnover, HR transformed from “non-essential” to a valuable strategic tool […]

The Value of Performance Reviews

A Low Cost Way To Motivate Have you committed to completing annual reviews, but failed to follow through? This could be a big mistake, particularly if you wish to retain above average performers. Failure to officially review the performance of your employees sends a message that you don’t care about their contributions. Costing you and […]

Managing 101

Recent surveys indicate that 70% of employees say the worst thing about their job is their boss. That means 70% of employees are far less productive than they could be, which directly affects a company’s P&L. How are you filling open management positions? Do your job descriptions define what you are looking for? The section […]

Think Before You Speak, Words Can Hurt

Client Relations Manager Julie; she is having a rough day.  A year ago she inherited a motivated staff that had a reputation for delivery quality service.  But her fifth employee has just resigned, sales are down and client retention is sliding.  The president of the company is not pleased.  Julie is beginning to realize that […]

Three Reasons You Must Take Corrective, Not Disciplinary Action

Fear! It is what constrains us the most. And it is definitely what prevents supervisors, managers and leaders from fulfilling their responsibility to counsel (take corrective action) against employees who are underperforming or violating workplace rules.   What do I say? How do I prepare? When should I do this? Who should be present? How […]

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