
Our blog offers important resources, helpful articles, and practical ideas on the human resources topics that matter to you.

Digital Forensics – A Great HR Resource

By: Patrick Siewert, Owner & Lead Forensic Examiner, Professional Digital Forensic Consulting, LLC If you normally follow this blog, you know Infiniti HR’s line of business and the employee management services they offer to small business owners. My line of work and expertise in digital forensics is somewhat different. Some would say vastly different. This […]

Increase Profits Through Appreciation

Did you know that Employee Appreciation Day was March 4th? Were you ready? Did you do someone nice for an employee? Buy lunch or hand out gifts cards? Considering how hard we work, is it really enough to appreciate your employees only once or twice a year?  A regular thank you could generate a greater […]

HR Admin for a Franchise

Since we are a premium supplied to the IFA and are in Vegas for this year’s convention, we decided to tailor these week’s blog on HR for franchising. Once a small business franchise has filled all of the positions that are considered “standard” within day-to-day operations, it is likely the business has moved from grow […]

1099 Made Simple, Less Risk

It is almost TOO easy to make this mistake.  And sadly it is one that small business owners and untrained managers make too often, without realizing the liability that a back payroll tax audit. It only takes one government agency, such as a state unemployment agency to tell you “sorry, there are actually an employee […]

Ready to Hire HR Support? Traits to Consider Before Making a Choice

The definition of an effective human resource employee or representative has evolved over many years. HR management functions, once just an extension of payroll, had been viewed as having little value. As business owners took a hard look at cost of employment law liability and turnover, HR transformed from “non-essential” to a valuable strategic tool […]

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