
Our blog offers important resources, helpful articles, and practical ideas on the human resources topics that matter to you.

“I’m a New Employee Here… I Think” Part One

Written by Lisa Porro, PHR & SHRM-CP Most People Have at Least One First Day at Work Horror Story:       “Security had no idea I was coming, no one at my new company was answering their calls, and I had to wait for an hour for someone from the office to let me into the elevator.” […]

Three Simple Steps in Preparing to Write a Performance Review

Writing an employee’s performance review or an evaluation is one of the most important responsibilities for a manager. Why? This commitment helps motivate employees, increase engagement, enhance accountability for results and support professional and career growth. However, do you find yourself to placing the task of writing an employee’s performance evaluation at the bottom of […]

Compliance Plans – A Worthwhile Investment

In order to avoid, or at least minimize the costs associated with a labor law violation, you should have an official document in place that assigns a compliance officer, and offers details on how labor law violations are found and corrected, BEFORE an auditor or investigator arrives.  A well crafted compliance plan will do just […]

Avoiding Backpay Penalties

Paying a salary DOES NOT mean the employee isn’t owed overtime.  The Fair Labor Standards Act, which nearly all employers are required to comply with, specifies that it is the duties of the role and not the compensation that dictates who is eligible for overtime wages. To qualify as EXEMPT from overtime, the employee in […]

Who Needs Workers’ Compensation?

Written and submitted by Rob Griffin, Owner of Swift Creek Insurance From time to time, I get a call from a customer saying he was told by one of his subcontractors that since they do not have employees, or only one employee, that they do not need workers’ compensation. That statement is generally followed up […]

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