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Home / Media / Blog / The Small Business Guide to Hiring During The Great Resignation
Recruitment and hiring for your small business have never been easy. Especially during “The Great Resignation,” when millions of people are simply walking away from their jobs and careers. Many predicted that after unemployment benefits ended we’d see a mass return to the labor market. Not so!
Does this mean you should throw in the recruitment towel? No way! Recruitment may not be easy, but we want this guide to help you gain insights on how to sell your company effectively to attract great talent, create an interview process that helps you spot possible red flags, and ensure your company is providing the culture that attracts and retains great talent.
It’s being called many names: The Big Quit, The Grand Epiphany, and The Great Resignation. Millions of people are leaving the workforce and not returning to the job market. What’s happening? Where are they going? Are your best employees next?
Why are so many people leaving their jobs? There are many reasons for this, but one of the most pressing reasons is that people are simply reassessing what they want from their work and lives. The COVID-19 pandemic shook up our inner snow globes! As a result, people are thinking life is short, nothing is for certain, and if not now, when?
Other factors are driving The Great Resignation that goes beyond self-reflection of what people want from their careers and lives, which you need to be aware of.
Other factors driving The Great Resignation include:
I don’t think so!
We’ve never seen these kinds of numbers before. I hate to use the word “unprecedented,” since it was so overused in 2020, but The Great Resignation is unprecedented. Millions of working mothers have left the workforce because working while juggling childcare and homeschooling is just too difficult. In years past, people could lean on families to help support childcare. But today, people are living far from families. That built-in support system isn’t available to many people today.
All of these sudden and often intense life changes have caused people to rethink their wants and needs. A survey conducted in May of 2021 found that 50 percent of the labor force is rethinking what they want in their jobs and careers!
For better or worse, we have a labor shortage problem on our hands. It’s time to be proactive in managing recruitment and hiring. Let’s focus on what you can do to sell your company better, connect with great talent, win them over, and ensure your screening and hiring process is helping you weed out bad cultural fits. And while we’re at it, we’ll share ways to innovate your recruitment approach!
Today’s workers are looking for higher pay, more time off, and more days working from home.
You might be saying, “Of course, Mindy! Tell me something I don’t know.” I hear you. And I WILL tell you things you might not know in a moment. But it’s important to address the elephant in the room. To what extent can you address higher pay, more time off, and creating a flexible work model to address what the vast majority of job candidates are looking for? You might not be able to offer all three, but can you adjust your offerings to be more in line with what people want?
Next, let’s look at what employees want that might not be on your radar.
According to research conducted by Humu, a company that uses data to make employees happier:
Work overload is only one cause of burnout. Too often, organizations fail to acknowledge—let alone address—other dimensions of burnout. Burnout is amplified by a lack of meaning in the employee’s work and not receiving the emotional support they need to thrive. This leads to feeling stretched too thin.
In other words: workers aren’t just looking for higher pay, more time off, or more days at home. They’re questioning the whole meaning of the “daily grind.” Your employees and prospective hires are asking themselves, “Why am I putting so much of myself into my career? Am I getting a fair deal from my employer? Is the return on my investment paying off?”
I encourage you to take some time and reflect on what your employees and future employees are asking themselves. How can you help them feel like their work has meaning, purpose, and your value proposition to them is a win-win for both you and your employees?
At Inspiring HR, we work with small businesses across the country. When it comes to recruitment, we’ve seen it all! I must tell you: make sure your recruitment protocols, processes, and tools are buttoned up.
I can see you rolling your eyes! You’re probably thinking, “Mindy, come on! Are you going to lecture me on how to write a good job description, publishing an attention-getting job posting, and hosting an insightful job interview?
I won’t lecture you, but I will remind you of the key elements of a great recruitment process. Maybe you have it all “nailed,” but I’d invite you to analyze your current practices to ensure you’re not losing out on recruiting great talent.
Job Descriptions Versus Job Postings
Your job description should be a complete, thorough description of the job you are hiring for. It should contain all elements of what you are looking for, the skills and experience that are necessary for success, along with salary and benefits.
Let me ask you: are your job descriptions up to date? Don’t immediately say “Yes!” and move on. Remember, the pandemic has upended not only how we work, but what is required in our work, such as skills and abilities. Make sure your job descriptions are up-to-date and thorough!
And while we’re at it: don’t confuse job descriptions with job postings.
Job postings are “selling” tools. Job postings share your company’s brand story and should encourage people to “lean into” your job offer. Job postings should be simple, hit the highlights of what the ideal candidate should be, and why this job opportunity is highly compelling to candidates. To stand out in a highly competitive recruitment landscape, your job postings have to work that much harder. Are your job postings hitting the bar on communicating why your company is a great place to work?
Upgrading Your Job Postings
Remember words matter! Review your current job postings and ask yourself:
An important trend in job postings for you to be aware of is writing those postings with gender-neutral language. According to a McKinsey & Company report, gender-diverse companies are 15 percent more likely to outperform those that are not.
For more insights, read our article on Why Gender-Neutral Job Postings Help Recruit Great Talent.
Screening Process
How buttoned up is your screening process? Have you documented the key steps and what you want your screeners to probe and look for? Have you clarified how and when you’ll do phone screenings versus video screenings? Screening candidates well will set you up for future success, because the job interview itself remains one of the most challenging aspects of managers and hiring leaders. That’s why we want to share best practices next on conducting interviews.
Job Interviews
When it comes to job interviews, remember the 70/30 rule:
While the job candidate is speaking, practice active listening. What does this mean?
Tips for Conducting Better Interviews
Like it or not, your job candidates have different expectations of what they want from their next employer. Those expectations include:
It’s understandable to want to hire job candidates who have a proven track record and experience in the duties for which you are hiring. But we are seeing so much success with our clients who are hiring “green” employees and training them up. Those inexperienced employees often:
While the default position for hiring employees is to look outside your company, make sure you consider current employees for those open positions.
We suggest surveying your current employees: do they want to make a change? If so, could you help train them into taking on new roles and responsibilities?
Benefits to hiring from within your company:
We see “Ghosting” happening in two forms. One form of Ghosting is when a job applicant who is interested in your company and confirms the interview appointment, then doesn’t show. The other form of employee Ghosting is when you make the offer, the candidate accepts, and then … doesn’t show up for work! You may think this is rare, but unfortunately, we’re seeing this in markets across the country.
The take-home message here is: stay connected! Employee retention begins the day of the job offer acceptance.
Tips for Reducing No Shows and “Employee Ghosting”
New Employee Onboarding Key Steps
Onboarding new employees are essential for setting the right expectations with your new hires and reinforcing that they made the right decision to join your team. Here are the basic steps in facilitating a great onboarding experience.
Don’t wait until your new employee arrives for his or her first day on the job to establish a process for success. Here are suggestions for helping your new employee to succeed.
As you recruit and hire, remember what employees want from their careers today:
Quite often we tell our clients, “Be slow to hire and wait for great” In other words, deal with the short-term pain of not filling open jobs so you “wait for great” job candidates. We have all made bad hiring decisions. There’s no one “bulletproof” process. But you can improve your odds of hiring a great fit job candidate by slowing down, following a clear, well-defined process, listening deeply during those job interviews, and making informed hiring decisions.
Interested in other current employment trends? Click the link to view the recent blog: What to Do When Compliance Disrupts Your Small Business Culture or check back for more on human resources, payroll, insurance, and benefits.
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