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Home / Media / Blog / No. You May NOT Wear PJ’s To The Team’s Video Conference.
As the pandemic continues, so does the need for more structured guidance for your ever-growing remote workforce. Dressing down with all-day lounge wear, gym wear and pajamas is becoming a new norm for home office attire as the pandemic rolls into months of not reporting to a formal office environment.
A new survey from CouponFollow indicates that “business professional, business casual, and smart casual dressers all reported higher levels of productivity than those who dressed in gym clothes and pajamas. Roughly 80% of the more formal dressers said they felt productive throughout the day, compared to just 70% of those in gym clothes and 50% of those in pajamas.”
Maintaining a corporate image is still important in a remote setting as videoconferencing has risen dramatically for internal team collaboration, as well as for external sales and building client rapport. The video conferencing industry is reporting that 77% of businesses are using online video communication for their remote workforce and it is predicted to continue to increase steadily through 2022, according to a report from GetVOIP. Businesses have discovered they are cutting overhead — time and travel costs — through video communication.
Without a policy addressing video communication etiquette, organizations will struggle at projecting professionalism across their remote workforce. A recent Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) article interviewed several employment attorneys who cite their concerns. “Before COVID-19, a work-from-home dress-code policy would have seemed like a strange concept,” said Megan Toth, an attorney with Seyfarth in Chicago. “But, with the recent increase of remote workers and video-conferences, this has become a real issue for some employers.”
“Nearly 52% of employees working remotely indicate their companies have asked them to abide by a dress code policy” according to CouponFollow. A recent Gallup poll article states “the COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the trend toward remote work and has made companies’ policies toward it even more crucial to their success.”
Also, don’t miss out on our FREE reference tools for remote work:
Click the link to view the recent blog: What You Need to Know About Recruiting and Hiring Remote Workers or check back for more on human resources, payroll, insurance, and benefits.
This article does not constitute legal advice and there are subtle variations in employment law as it pertains to this topic, depending on where your business operates. It is strongly suggested that you seek consultation or legal counsel before making decisions about policies.
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